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CNC-211 Human Patoloji (100 adet)

1. Injury and repair of cell and tissue
PH01 Human hyperplasia of prostate sec.
PH02 Squamous metaplasia of bronchus sec.
PH03 Vitreous degeneration of renal arteriole sec.
PH04 Human fibrinoid degeneration sec.
PH05 Human tissue system histiocytosis
PH06 Human bronchiectasis sec.
PH07 Human pathologic calcification sec.
PH08 Human renal tubule epithelium edema sec.

2. Disturbances of Blood circulation
PH09 Hemorrhagic infarct of lung sec.
PH10 Renal Anemic Infarct sec.
PH11 Pulmonary edema sec.
PH12 Pulmonary amniotic embolism sec.
PH13 Human infarct of brain
PH14 Intravenous thrombus sec.

3. Diseases of Immmunity
PH15 Adenocarcinoma of lymph gland sec.
PH16 Malignant lymphoma sec.
PH17 Splenic infarction sec.
PH18 Myocardial infarction sec.

4. Inflammation
PH19 Liver abscess sec.
PH20 Nephrapostasis sec.
PH21 Lung abscess sec.
PH22 Chronic pyelonephritis sec.
PH24 Lobar pneumonia
PH25 Acute nephritis sec.
PH26 Suppurative appendicitis sec.

5. Tumor
PH27 Mastoscirrhus sec.
PH28 Lipoma sec
PH29 Fibrosarcoma sec
PH30 Embryonal-cell lipoma sec.
PH31 Malignancy cell sec.
PH32 Fibroadenoma of breast sec.
PH33 Acute viral hepatitis sec
PH34 Leiomyosarcoma sec.
PH35 Skin squamous cytoma sec.
PH36 Basal cell carcinoma sec.
PH37 Breast adenofibroma sec.
PH38 Lymph node metastases
PH39 Sarcomatoid carcinoma sec.

6. Diseases of Cardiovascular System
PH40 Atherosclerosis sec.
PH41 Rheumatic myocarditis sec.
PH42 Coronary atherosclerosis sec.
PH43 Fibrinoid necrosis of vascular wall sec.

7. Diseases of Respiratory System
PH44 Squamous cell carcinoma of nasopharynx sec.
PH45 Chronic bronchitis sec.
PH46 Diffuse pulmonary emphysema sec.
PH47 Viral pneumonia sec.
PH48 Nasal polyp sec.
PH49 Acute pulmonary hemorrhage sec.
PH50 Smoking lung
PH51 Lung adenosquamous carcinoma sec.
PH52 Caseous pneumonia sec.
PH53 Interstitial pneumonia sec.

8. Disease of Digestive System
PH54 Esophagus cancer sec.
PH55 Epidermoid carcinoma of esophagus sec.
PH56 Adenocarcinoma of stomach sec
PH57 Carcinoid of colon sec.
PH58 Rectal adenocarcinoma sec.
PH59 Acute mild hepatitis sec.
PH60 Acute fatal hepatitis sec.
PH61 Alcoholic hepatitis sec
PH62 Villous adenoma sec.
PH63 Acute general hepatitis sec
PH64 Chronic poisoning hepatitis sec
PH65 Micronodular cirrhosis sec
PH66 Cholangiocarcinoma sec.
PH67 Pseudomembranous colitis sec.
PH68 Hepatocholangio carcinoma

9. Diseases of Haemopoietic System
PH69 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma sec.
PH70 Hodgkin lymphoma sec.

10. Diseases of Urinary System
PH71 Diffuse hyperplastic glomerular nephritis sec
PH72 Diffuse sclerosing glomerular nephritis sec.
PH73 Renal clear cell carcinoma sec.
PH74 Wilms' tumor sec.
PH75 Carcinoma of urinary bladder sec.

11. Disease of Genital System
PH76 Endometrial hyperplasia sec
PH77 Leiomyoma of uterus
PH78 Carcinoma in-situ of cervix sec
PH79 Cervical squamous cancer sec.
PH80 Adenocarcinoma of cervix sec.
PH81 Adenocarcinoma of endometrium sec.
PH82 Mucinous cystadenoma of ovary
PH83 Seminoma sec.
PH84 Breast cancer sec
PH85 Polyp of cervix sec.
PH86 Cervical erosion sec.
PH87 Ovarian cyst sec
PH88 Chronic endometritis sec.
PH89 Squamous cell metaplasia of cervical mucosa sec.

12. Diseases of Endocrine System
PH90 Papillary adenocarcinoma of thyroid gland sec.
PH91 Follicular adenocarcinoma sec.
PH92 Adrenal cortical adenomas sec
PH93 Adrenal cortical carcinoma sec.
PH94 Hypophyseal adenoma sec.

13. Diseases of Nervous System
PH95 Meningeoma sec
PH96 Neurinoma sec.
PH97 Neurofibroma sec.
PH98 Neuroastrocytoma sec.

14. Diseases of Muscalar and Skeletal System
PH99 Osteochondroma sec.
PH100 Chondrosarcoma sec.


Prostat Cancer